Privacy Policy
SWC – Sport World Coaching has a serious commitment to the rights and privacy of the personal data owners, acting accordingly to the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other applicable legislation.
The data treated by SWC – Sport World Coaching are:
According to the General Policy for Data Protection (RGPD) of the EU, personal data is defined as “any information which are related to an identified or identifiable natural person.”; the data subjects are identifiable if they can be directly or indirectly identified, especially by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one of several special characteristics, which expresses the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, commercial, cultural or social identity of these natural persons.
1. When you sign up, we collect:
Identification and contact data (name, address, tax number, telephone contacts, email address).
The owners of the personal data are the identified person to whom that data belongs.
The personal data categories indicated above can belong to different categories of the identified people, like customers, customers collaborators (companies), counterparts, and service providers.
2. From Customer Records, we collect:
Customer satisfaction offers received, registration date, campaign/answers record, client facultative data regarding workshops, experiences, events participation (place, company), and complaints record.
SWC – Sport World Coaching collects personal data through different means and in diverse moments, namely when it is delivered:
Business cards, email sent or answer to an invite, information sign up, e-book upload, sign up to online or in-person courses, certifications, coaching programs, coaching sessions, workshops, and events, when our consultancy or training services are hired.
3. From Apps, Internet, and Social Media data we collect:
- If the customer signed up or authenticated, it is possible the usage of the following data: average usage of the app (behaviour inside the apps);
- Location information;
- Online entertainment information;
- SWC – Sport World Coaching webpage usage;
- Social Media Usage (example: visits and publications).
4. Purposes of personal data treatment:
The personal data will be treated by SWC – Sport World Coaching for the following purposes:
- Sending requested information regarding products, services, and commercial campaigns;
- Our marketing initiatives like: communication campaigns, promotions, events, workshops, certifications, in-person and/or online courses, coaching programs, training, and information regarding the business and the commercial relationship established with SWC – Sport World Coaching;
- Questions elucidation; complaints management, and other customer support/user initiatives;
- Invoice emission.
5. Personal data is stored for:
The user’s personal collected data will be stored as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was originally collected and in compliance with our legal obligations or during the time that is demanded by applied legal or regulatory standards.
Personal data can be passed to:
SWC – Sport World Coaching does not share your personal data with any third party, with the exception, where is necessary to provide the hired services or in the fulfilment of the legal obligations to which SWC – Sport World Coaching is subjugated.
The transmission of data to third parties is done according to the applicable legislation regarding data protection and inside the purpose limits and legal foundations defined in this policy.
SWC – Sport World Coaching can share personal data with the following entities:
- Relevant parts for the training services exercise like: trainers and partners;
- With the hired companies responsible for the order’s delivery, respectively, the data collected for order delivery purposes (only name, address, and telephone contact).
7. Data safety
SWC – Sport World Coaching, implements the adequate and necessary safety measures for your data protection against destruction, loss or accidental or illicit change, and non-authorized disclosure or access.
8. Data owner rights
SWC – Sport World Coaching guarantees the users’ rights, while data owners like: access to their own personal data, correction, removal, update, treatment limitation, data portability, and the right to be forgotten, as the opposition to its treatment (under the law foreseen terms) – that request should be done by email writing to the following email address:
The user can obtain a confirmation that their own personal data are object of treatment, being available when requesting a copy of the processed data. Under the law terms, is guaranteed to the user the right, through the stated means, without any costs or consequences, to remove at any moment their consent for data treatment for the disposed purposes, every time the treatment is performed with user consent. The exercise of this right does not interfere with the treatment performed until the date, based on the authorized previous consent.
9. How to exercise your rights:
You can exercise your rights through email for the email address:
The exercise of your rights is free.
Changes in the privacy policy
The present terms in the personal data treatment can be changed at any moment and without any previous notice. These changes will be properly publicized on the website in an easily visible format, for user easiness.
Reimbursement policy
European Union reimbursement policy
The reimbursement policy used in SWC – Sport World Coaching, abides by the premises foreseen in DL nº 24/2014, of February 14, hereinafter referred to as “DL”.
- The products/services sold by SWC – Sport World Coaching:
- Coaching sessions
- Online programs (example: 5AM CLUB)
- Online events
- In-person events
- Online and in-person certifications
- Coaching programs
- Online courses
- In-person courses
- Books and publications
Contract withdrawal rights:
By the DL stated terms, has the right of the contract-free resolution, in other words, withdraw the order, for a period of 14 days, starting from the day on which the order is performed.
This right is excluded when the order is related to digital products/services, that allow the consumer immediate access to content, occurring in this case the loss of the withdrawal rights, and for that reason, there is no place for devolutions.
The access to digital products acquired on the website and in any other platform where they are available, is, in principle, immediate. Unless the chosen payment method demands manual validation.
The content may be transferred to other format or platform, due to technical reasons.
The access to the acquired products can be removed or conditioned when any of these situations happen: returned payment, pending payment, payment cancelation, or failure to send payment proof when requested.
Since these products give immediate access to content after payment there is no place for reimbursements.
Since these products give immediate access to content after payment there is no place for reimbursements.
DIGITAL PRODUCTS – REIMBURSEMENT POLICY – Certification online/ online events
In the specific case of online certification and/or online events if the client cannot attend, the client must warn, at least 15 days before so a new place is reserved in a programmed new edition, or to receive a voucher valid for 6 months to acquire another product of the same or superior value.
Reimbursement policy in case of no-attendance by the client, digital products: Coaching sessions
When the lack of attendance is warned less than 72 hours before, or no warning is performed, there is no place for reimbursement, rescheduling, or any other way of refund for the no attendance by the client.
Regarding strategic coaching sessions/ sessions from coaching sessions packs, alone or integrated into one of our packages, in the event of the impossibility to attend, a new date can be scheduled if the client notifies us at least 72 hours before the session.
When the notification is performed less than 72 hours before the session, that session will be loss without the possibility of rescheduling or refunding of the paid amount. If the client is enjoying the coaching sessions pack, the session is counted as done but there is no prejudice toward the remaining sessions from the coaching sessions pack.
The coach gives a tolerance of 15 minutes in the 60 or more minutes sessions, after which is considered no attendance by the client, and the coach can refuse to perform the coaching session without there is any place for a refund of any payment performed.
Certifications, coaching programs, courses, and in-person events
To exercise the right of free resolution, in the DL terms, the client has the right to free contract resolution, in other words, to give up on the order, within 14 days starting from the day on which the order is performed, and it needs to be manifested expressly to SWC – Sport World Coaching by email writing to the following email address:
If there is a cancelation by SWC – Sport World Coaching part, without the possibility to reschedule, the paid value by the client will be fully refunded.
In the case of postponement, the same will be rescheduled without the possibility of a refund and the client will have a place guaranteed in the new edition.
SWC – Sport World Coaching reserves the right to change dates, schedules, and places or even cancel CERTIFICATIONS, COACHING PROGRAMS, COURSES AND EVENTS according to a minimum number of interested or in any other extraordinary circumstances.
Any other values spent by the client are non-refundable like spending on accommodation, hotels, tickets of any kind, displacements, or other costs inherent to the event presence but not referent to the event by itself.
After the workshop or event realization, there is no place for any kind of refund, even if the client did not attend.
Brazil refunding policy
The reimbursement policy used in SWC – Sport World Coaching, abides by the premises foreseen in the Consumer defence code (law number 8.078, de 11th September 1990), hereinafter referred to as “Defence Consumer Code”.
The products/services sold by SWC – Sport World Coaching;
Coaching sessions
Online programs (example: 5AM CLUB)
Online events
In-person events
Online and in-person certifications
Coaching programs
Online courses
In-person courses
Books and publications
Right to withdraw the contract:
In the terms of the Defence Consumer Code, the consumer, withdraw the order, for a period of 7 days, starting from the day on which the order is performed.
This right is excluded when is related to products/services that were already initiated, in these cases, there is no place for withdrawal.
To exert your right to contract free resolution you need to manifest it expressly to SWC – Sport World Coaching by email writing to the following email address:

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